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最后更新: 2024-01-28 00:53
浏览次数: 33
3分钟前 江苏晶圆精密电阻即时留言「在线咨询」[雷城电阻7d61f03]内容:

Riedon Co., Ltd. and Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. are the partners in manufacuture and develop high pcision resistorsand special resistors for more than 10 years.

We manufacture high pcision resistors, ultra high pcision resistors with tolerance upto 0.01% and temperature coefficient low than 1ppm/K. The lowest resistance is 0.001Ohm and the highest resistance is 1G Ohm! Both wire wound pcision resisotrs and metal glaze film resistors cover from very low to extra high resistance for meeting all the requirements from our customers all of the world.

美国瑞盾公司和盛雷城精密电阻有限公司是长期的战略伙伴,生产制造高精密电阻和各种特殊电阻器,阻值覆盖范围大,从0.001欧姆 到 1G 欧姆,阻值精度可以高达 0.01%!

Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. makes the highest stability resistors in the world for many years.

UPR series ultra pcision resistors are the right cross to Vishay's AUR series and FPR, FPS series metal foil resistors and had been adopted by many customers for many years.

UPR series ultra pcision resistors are of the highest stability of the resistors with less than 20ppm annual drift in cectively working year!

盛雷城精密电阻有限公司长期以来,一直在制造世界上稳定性高的电阻器--UPR 系列超高稳定、超、超低温度系数的电阻器,具有小于 20ppm 的连续工作年度变化量!多家用户的长期使用记录提供了可靠的证明!


盛雷城精密电阻有限公司和全国人民一起,热烈庆祝 【我国发射“高分四号”高轨的同步】


高精密电阻具有精度高、稳定性好、长期性能可靠,品质优良的特点。盛雷城精密电阻有限公司的生产基地坐落于美丽的赣州市经济技术开发区,距离深圳6小时车程,目前公司已建立多条电阻生产线,并以ISO9001质量管理体系严格要求产品品质。 承诺向广大客户创造一YILIU流品质的产品,提供一YILIU流服务。公司使用先进的检测设备,制造经验丰富,确保产品的一致性,采用德国进口原材料及先进的生产工艺,保证产品的内在品质。

High pcision resistor has the characteristics of high pcision, good stability, long term performance and high quality.Thunder Precision Resistor's production basement locate in beautifulGanzhou economic and Technological Development Zone, is about 6 hours far from SHENZHEN city, At psent, the company has established a number of resistance production lines, and strict requests for product quality by ISO9001 quality management system. We Commitment to the customers to create first-class quality products, providing first-class service.

江西数控平面磨床生产厂家来电咨询 普创机械算你狠歌词 沙太路广州食品仓储要求在线咨询「多图」pbs是什么意思 河北白洋淀旅游价格询问报价「俊其饭店」鸿鹄之志怎么读 清远防漏电电线穿线管价格信息推荐「在线咨询」怎么粉碎文件 青岛防潮轻质隔墙板生产厂家服务为先「多图」沉鱼落雁是什么生肖 武汉建筑木方报价承诺守信 森伟建材科比是哪个队的队员 花盆滚塑模具品牌询价咨询「在线咨询」如懿传结局是什么 三明电动消防车批发欢迎来电「多图」风情万种是什么意思
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